The Bell Tower on 34th

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10 Proven Social Media Strategies for Event Planners

Social media isn't just another task on your to-do list. It's your secret weapon for creating unforgettable events. Ready to unlock its full potential? We’ve put together 10 tips to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of event promotion.


A unique event hashtag is more than just a way to organize your social media posts. It's a powerful tool that can foster community. A hashtag creates a space for attendees, speakers, and partners to connect and share their experiences.

Using a hashtag is a great way to elevate your brand, too. You can turn your hashtag into a recognizable symbol of your event.

Here are some suggestions for creating an effective hashtag.


Get creative and generate a list of potential hashtags that are catchy, memorable, and relevant to your event. Try using a pun, rhyming, or playing on the event theme. You also can try online tools to help you develop hashtag ideas.

Check Availability

Before settling on a hashtag, make sure it's not already in use by another event or brand. A quick search on social media platforms will confirm its availability.


Once you've chosen your hashtag, promote it widely across all your social media channels, email signatures, website, event signage, and any other marketing materials. Encourage attendees, speakers, and partners to use it, too.


Visuals are key to grabbing attention in social media. Here are some best practices:

Diversify Your Visual Content

-Invite participation: Encourage attendees to share their experiences with user-generated content using your event hashtag.

-Embrace movement: Use animated GIFs or short videos to capture the dynamic nature of your event and make your posts more engaging.

-Unleash creativity: Design custom graphics, illustrations, or memes that align with your event's branding and are likely to resonate with your audience.

Prioritize Quality

Not only will high-quality visuals enhance your event's image, but they’ll also boost engagement. At the same time, blurry or poorly composed images can reflect negatively on your brand. Whenever possible, invest in good photography and graphic design.

Some of the elements that can come together to create stunning visuals include:

-Color palette: Choose colors that complement your event's theme and create a cohesive look across all platforms.

-Typography: Select fonts that are easy to read and reflect your event's tone.

-Photo editing: Use photo editing tools to enhance colors, crop images, and remove distractions.

-Graphic design tools: Explore free online platforms like Canva or PicMonkey to create simple, effective graphics.

Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so let your visuals do the talking and create a buzz around your event.


Collaborating with influencers in your industry or niche can be a game-changer for promoting your event. Their endorsement can significantly expand your reach and lend credibility to your event.

Types of Collaborations

-Speakers/guests: Invite influencers to participate in your event as speakers, panelists, or special guests. If they accept, promote on your social media sites and their pages. This not only adds value to your event program but also encourages their followers to attend.

-Sponsored posts: Partner with influencers to create sponsored content highlighting your event. This could include blog posts, social media posts, or even videos showcasing the event's unique features and benefits.

-Takeovers: Allow influencers to take over your social media accounts for a day or a set period. This gives them a platform to share their perspective on the event and interact directly with their followers, potentially attracting new attendees.

Finding the Right Influencers

When selecting influencers, prioritize those who:

-Align with your target audience: Make sure their followers match the demographics and interests of your ideal attendees.

-Have high engagement rates: Look for influencers whose content consistently receives a significant number of likes, comments, and shares.

-Have authenticity and credibility: Choose influencers who have a genuine connection with their audience and are respected in your industry.


Spark excitement and boost engagement by organizing social media contests or giveaways with prizes that your target audience will truly value.

For instance, if your event is a food festival, think about offering a private chef's table experience or a year's supply of gourmet ingredients. Challenge people to enter the competition by creating event-themed memes, short videos showcasing their culinary skills, or even to design potential merchandise for your event.

Choose the social media platform that best aligns with your audience demographics and the type of contest you're running.


Create a series of countdown posts leading up to your event. This keeps your event top-of-mind for potential attendees and builds anticipation.

You can share interesting facts, speaker highlights, or sneak peeks of what to expect with each countdown post.


Give your audience a VIP pass to the event-planning process by sharing authentic behind-the-scenes stories.

Don't just post photos or videos; weave a narrative around them. Share the challenges you've faced, the unexpected hurdles you've overcome, and the funny moments that have made the journey memorable. Introduce the dedicated team members, vendors, and volunteers who are working tirelessly to bring your event to life. Let your audience connect with the human element behind the scenes. That’s how you’ll create sense of anticipation and excitement for your main event.


Tap into the power of existing Facebook and LinkedIn groups related to your event's industry or theme. Share engaging content, initiate conversations, and actively participate in discussions to establish your presence and attract potential attendees.

Or, if you have a significant following or a niche topic, you can always create your own Facebook group or LinkedIn group dedicated to your event. This provides a platform for attendees and interested individuals to connect, share ideas, and build excitement before, during, and after the event.

Here are some tips for effective group engagement:

Facebook Groups

-Spark discussions: Pose thought-provoking questions related to your event's theme or industry trends.

-Host Q&As: Invite speakers or industry experts to participate in live Q&A sessions within the group.

-Share exclusive content: Offer sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or early-bird discounts to group members.

-Organize watch parties: If your event has a virtual component, host watch parties within the group to create a shared experience.

LinkedIn Groups

-Facilitate networking: Encourage members to share their professional profiles and connect with each other.

-Share industry insights: Post articles, case studies, or white papers relevant to your event's focus.

-Promote thought leadership: Invite speakers or panelists to share their expertise and insights within the group.

-Organize virtual roundtables: Host discussions on specific topics related to your event or industry.

Post-Event Engagement

After your event, continue to foster community within your groups by:

-Sharing event recaps: Post photos, videos, and highlights from the event.

-Gathering feedback: Encourage members to share their experiences and suggestions for future events.

-Maintaining the conversation: Continue to share relevant content and encourage ongoing discussions.


While organic reach is valuable, paid social media advertising can significantly amplify your event's visibility and reach a wider audience. Most social media platforms offer sophisticated targeting options, allowing you to precisely reach your ideal attendees based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and specific keywords.

Types of Paid Social Media Ads

-Image ads: Visually appealing static images that showcase your event's theme or key highlights.

Video ads: Engaging short videos that provide a glimpse of the event experience or feature testimonials.

Carousel ads: A series of images or videos that users can swipe through, telling a more comprehensive story.

Lead ads: Collect contact information directly within the ad platform, streamlining the registration process.

Platform-Specific Considerations

-Facebook/Instagram: Powerful targeting options and a wide variety of ad formats.

-LinkedIn: Ideal for B2B events or those targeting professionals.

-Twitter: Effective for real-time engagement and promoting trending hashtags.

Strategies for Effective Paid Social Advertising

-Set clear goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your ads (e.g., increase website traffic, drive ticket sales, boost brand awareness).

-Define your target audience: Narrow down your audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

-Craft compelling ad creatives: Use high-quality images or videos, clear messaging, and a strong call to action.

-A/B test: Experiment with different ad formats, targeting options, and creative variations to find what works best.

-Track and analyze results: Monitor your ad performance regularly and adjust as needed.

Budgeting Tips

-Start small and gradually increase your budget as you see positive results.

-Allocate your budget across different platforms and ad formats to see what performs best.

-Try boosting your most successful organic posts to reach a wider audience.


Take advantage of the Stories feature on Instagram and Facebook to share quick updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or countdown reminders.

Stories' ephemeral nature can create a sense of urgency and keep your event top-of-mind.


Display a real-time feed of social media posts using your event hashtag on screens at the venue.

This encourages attendees to post and engage on social media during the event, expanding your online presence.

The Bell Tower on 34th is a leading event in Houston, TX.

Our elegant venue, featuring a grand staircase and beautiful garden setting, is a short drive from downtown Houston.

Contact us to schedule a tour.

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The Bell Tower on 34th

901 W 34th St, Houston, TX 77018

(713) 868-2355