The Bell Tower on 34th

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How to Select and Book Motivational Speakers for Your Event

As an event planner, you understand that a successful event goes beyond logistics and aesthetics. It's about creating an experience that leaves a lasting impression on your attendees. Effective motivational speakers can help with that.

In this blog, we'll explore the invaluable role these speakers play in enhancing events and provide practical advice for finding and booking the right fit for your next gathering.


You could argue that effective motivational speakers have a superpower. A great speaker can ignite passion and motivation, leaving your attendees feeling empowered and ready to take action. Even better, speakers really drive home your event’s message in a way that sticks with people long after their presentation draws to a close. And ideally, their

presentation will become the talking point of your event that creates buzz and sparks positive word-of-mouth.

That said, you can’t achieve these things with just any speaker, even a particularly gifted one. For one thing, you need the right speaker for your particular audience. And you can’t do that without insight into the people who will be attending your event.


I wouldn’t even begin researching speakers until you have a clear understanding of your audience. Consider their demographics. What age ranges will be attending your event? What will the gender distribution be? What do you know about audience members’ cultural backgrounds.

Professional backgrounds are equally important. Factor in the industries they represent, the roles they hold, and their levels of experience. That will help you gauge not just what will resonate, but also the speaker's ability to relate to them.

But don’t stop there. As the event planner, it's essential to grasp your audience members' specific interests and expectations. What are they hoping to gain from your event? You can learn this by surveying past attendees, conducting pre-event surveys, and engaging in one-on-one conversations with key stakeholders.


Understanding your audience is only one side of the coin; you’ll also need to put significant thought into your event’s goals to select the right speaker. Start by asking yourself, What’s the primary purpose of your event? Are you looking to inspire and motivate your organization to aim higher? Is the goal to educate your audience on an emerging trend or important topic? Or is this event meant to celebrate achievements and boost morale after a challenging project or year?

Clearly defined goals help narrow down not just the type of speaker you need, but also the kind of message they should deliver. For example, if your goal is to inspire your audience, you might consider a speaker with a compelling personal story or someone with proven leadership in overcoming obstacles. On the other hand, an educational event might require an expert in your industry who can offer practical insights and valuable takeaways.

It’s also important to consider secondary goals that align with the primary focus. Do you want the audience to leave with actionable strategies? Should they feel uplifted and re-energized? Or is the aim to foster networking and collaboration? The more specific your goals are, the easier it will be to identify speakers who can deliver the right balance of knowledge, energy, and relatability.


The key to a successful motivational speech lies in its connection to the audience. When evaluating potential speakers, there are several crucial factors to consider, beginning with topic relevance. The speaker’s area of expertise should closely align with your event’s themes and the interests of your audience. For example, if your event is focused on innovation, a speaker with cutting-edge ideas or a history of breaking new ground will engage the crowd more effectively than someone whose experiences are unrelated to the subject matter. You want to make sure the topics they cover can offer real value and actionable insights to your attendees.

Speaking style will matter, too. Some groups may thrive on a high-energy, dynamic speaker who can deliver a fast-paced, motivational talk. Others may prefer a more reflective, storytelling approach that encourages deep thinking and personal connection. Consider whether your audience is looking for an emotional, thought-provoking experience or something more technical and informational. Previewing videos of the speaker in action will help you help gauge their delivery style and determine whether it will resonate with your crowd.

Don’t forget to give some thought to potential speakers’ cultural fit for your event. Their message, tone, and delivery method should be appropriate for your audience’s cultural backgrounds and sensitivities. A great speaker understands the importance of being inclusive and respectful of cultural nuances. Consider whether the speaker is familiar with or can adapt to your audience's values, traditions, and customs. This will help you avoid misunderstandings or, even worse, inadvertently alienating any part of your audience.

Beyond relevance and style, the speaker’s message should reinforce your event’s overarching goals. Whether you’re seeking to inspire, educate, or entertain, the speaker has to deliver a message that aligns with your event’s purpose and leaves the audience feeling satisfied with their experience.

In short, finding a speaker who is the right fit for your event means evaluating not just their credentials, but how well they can connect with your audience on a personal, cultural, and professional level.


So, how do you go about finding this person? There are several avenues available to you.

Try online resources. Websites like SpeakerHub,, and LinkedIn can be great starting points. You also can turn to speaker bureaus and agencies: These organizations can help match you with speakers based on your requirements. Another option would be to rely on recommendations. Reach out to colleagues and industry contacts for suggestions based on their experiences.

Once you have a list of potential speakers, research them thoroughly. Watch videos of their past presentations, read reviews and testimonials, and check their social media presence to get a sense of their style and expertise.


When budgeting for a motivational speaker, keep the following in mind:

  • Speaker fees: These can vary widely based on the speaker's experience and popularity.

  • Additional costs: Factor in travel, accommodation, and any special requirements the speaker may have.

  • ROI: Consider the potential impact of the speaker on your event's success when allocating your budget.

Remember, while it's important to stay within budget, investing in a high-quality speaker can significantly enhance your event's value.


To maximize the impact of your chosen speaker, you’ll need to work closely with them to tailor their presentation to your event’s unique goals and audience.

Start by clearly communicating your event themes and objectives. Explain the main message you want the audience to take away, whether it's to inspire, educate, or celebrate. It’s important to discuss how the speaker's message can be woven into these broader goals, ensuring cohesion throughout the event.

Next, provide company-specific or industry-specific information that the speaker can incorporate into their talk. This could include industry trends, key challenges your audience faces, or any recent achievements within your organization. The more relevant the speaker's content is to your attendees’ daily lives, the more engaged and invested they will be in the presentation.

Don’t hesitate to schedule a detailed conversation with your speaker to brainstorm ways to make the content even more relevant to your audience. Encourage them to include examples, case studies, or stories that are directly applicable to your industry or organization. This customization will not only make the presentation feel more personal but will also demonstrate that you’ve taken the time to curate an experience specifically for your attendees.

Interactive elements can also enhance the customization. If appropriate, discuss incorporating audience Q&A sessions, live polls, or breakout activities that align with your event’s theme. These elements can help the speaker foster deeper engagement help the audience feel more involved in the presentation.


Once you've selected your ideal speaker, the booking process begins, It’s important to navigate this stage with careful planning and attention to detail. Here are key steps and considerations:

Initial Inquiries and Availability Checks

Start by reaching out to the speaker or their representative to check availability for your event date. This is also the time to gather any initial information about their speaking requirements. Be prepared to share a detailed overview of your event, including the theme, audience size, and format, to help the speaker or agent assess compatibility.

Negotiating the Contract

Once you’ve confirmed the speaker’s availability, it’s time to negotiate the contract. This process involves agreeing on key logistics such as the event date, presentation time, duration, and speaker fees. Be prepared to discuss other important details, including travel arrangements and accommodations for speakers coming from out of town, as well as any additional expenses like meals or transportation.

Technical and Personal Requirements

You’ll need to review any specific technical requirements the speaker may have for their presentation. This could include audio-visual needs like microphones, projectors, or lighting setups. Some speakers could also have personal requests related to their speaking environment like particular seating arrangements or dietary restrictions. Take the time to get a feel for these requirements so you can accommodate them in advance.

Payment Schedules and Cancellation Policies

Every speaker has different payment terms, so it’s important to understand the schedule for deposits, final payments, and any associated deadlines. Make sure that both parties agree on the timing of these payments to avoid any misunderstandings. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the cancellation policy outlined in the contract. Most professional speakers have clear terms regarding cancellation fees or rebooking options, so be sure you’re comfortable with these terms before signing.

Confirming the Details

As your event date approaches, it’s important to reconfirm all the logistical details with the speaker or their representative. All parties should be aligned on expectations. A thorough confirmation process will help you avoid surprises on the day of the event.


Once you’ve booked a speaker, it’s important to create an environment that allows them to deliver their best performance. One key element is the room layout—it should not only accommodate the size of your audience but also complement the speaker’s style. For example, a more intimate setup might be ideal for a speaker who engages through storytelling, while a larger, open space with stage lighting may be better for a high-energy, motivational talk. Work with your speaker to create a physical environment that aligns with their needs and your event goals.

Another simple yet impactful step is preparing a compelling introduction. A well-crafted introduction can set the tone for the talk, building anticipation and excitement. Highlight the speaker’s key achievements, their connection to your event’s theme, and what the audience can expect to gain from their presentation.

You can also prepare your audience ahead of time to ensure they are engaged and receptive. Provide attendees with background information on the speaker and their topic and encourage them to think of questions or ways to participate during the session. This pre-event communication can build anticipation and set the stage for an interactive and meaningful experience.


To get the most value from your motivational speaker, create opportunities for audience engagement and follow-up activities that extend the speaker’s impact:

Plan for Q&A Sessions or Interactive Elements

Engaging your audience through Q&A sessions or interactive activities can deepen their connection with the speaker's message. These moments allow the audience to ask relevant questions, share their experiences, or even participate in live polling or discussions that enrich the presentation.

Organize Book Signings or Meet-and-Greets

If the speaker has published books or is open to meeting attendees, organizing a book signing or a brief meet-and-greet can create a more personal connection with the audience. These interactions often leave lasting impressions and provide attendees with memorable takeaways.

Record the Presentation (With Permission)

If possible, record the presentation and share key moments with a wider audience post-event. This not only helps you extend the reach of the speaker's message but also serves as valuable content for future promotions or internal use. Just be sure to obtain the speaker’s permission and clarify how the recording will be used.

The impact of a great motivational speaker extends far beyond an event itself. Their words can inspire change, drive innovation, and energize your audience to reach new heights. As an event planner, your role in bringing this transformative experience to your attendees is crucial. By following these tips, you're well on your way to hosting events that not only meet but exceed expectations, leaving a lasting positive impact on all who attend.

The Bell Tower on 34th is an elegant event space with valet parking and onsite security serving the Greater Houston area. Our central location is a short drive from the Galleria area and the Houston Heights area.

Learn more about holding a corporate event here.

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The Bell Tower on 34th

901 W 34th St, Houston, TX 77018

(713) 868-2355